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Showing posts from February, 2020

Comparative Literary Essay

Grade 11 1. Create a comparative draft for the essay question  QUESTION In the poems ‘An African Thunderstorm’ and ‘Sonnet composed upon Westminster Bridge’ the speakers is impressed with the majesty of nature. Write an essay in which you describe the scene witnessed in each poem and each speaker’s reaction to that scene. You must also comment on the effective use of one poetic device in each poem. 2. See the draft below, now complete the essay with needed substantiation and explanations. Poetry is an intentional expression in succinct form. Poets use words strategically like a weaving process. Robert Rubadiri born in Malawi uses his poem to evoke awareness to the effect of the west invasion on Africa and William Wordsworth in the 19 th century used his petrachan sonnet to reflect on his observation of a beautiful London morning. Both poets revolve around the theme of nature. An African thunderstorm  is a poem that deals with the theme man versus nature and it is

A RAISIN IN THE SUN Symbol Analysis

Objectives:  1. Read  tutorial  2. Create FIVE questions based on each symbol Next Beneatha’s Hair Mama’s feeble plant represents her family’s deferred dreams for a better future, which have struggled to survive under the strain of life in Chicago’s South Side.  Mama’s  unending devotion to her small houseplant signifies her constant care for her family and her attention to its dreams. “Growing doggedly” in a small pot by the apartment’s kitchen window, Mama’s plant has “spirit,” despite the fact that “this little old plant . . . ain’t never had enough sunshine or nothing.” Like the plant, the Youngers have struggled to overcome the circumstances, such as racial prejudice, that curb their growth and social mobility. Mama dreams of owning a house with a small garden, and until the play’s conclusion her plant is as “close as I ever got” to achieving that dream. In the final moments of the

A Raisin in the Sun

Date:February 17, 2010 Objective: 1. Complete character sketch on Walter Lee in Act 1 alone how to do a character sketch use substantiation for what is learned of him what people say about him how he responds to people and situations 2. Draft an essay together on  "The poor Black man is segregated on many platforms- from himself, his family , his community and his society". To what extent is this seen in Act 1 of A RITS 3.Select two questions and substantiate in essa ys Study Help Essay Questions 1.  In literature, as in life, a character may search for a better way of life. Show how  two  characters from  A Raisin in the Sun  are searching for a better way of life. Explain what each character is hoping to gain through this search and discuss the ways in which each character attempts to bring about a change in his or her life. 2.  Discuss the ways in which the setting of  Raisin  has a profound effect upon two of the characters. 3.  If people
Grade 10 Ti Jean and Brothers Techniques used by the playwright The Chorus and the Conflict  Stage Craft- Scenery, costumes, action and stillness, props, lighting, Sound, language and humour Objectives: 1. Justify the importance of the chorus and the forest creatures                   2. Identify at least three types of conflict                    3.Identify scenes of movement and scenes of stillness then show how each affects the mood                    4. Analyse the importance of dramatic devices Tutorial

Sonnet Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802

Grade 11 Objectives: Describe your favourite environment at early morn. Describe the mood 2.Research biography of William Wordsworth 3. Read the poem and identify any similarities with what was discussed earlier in groups analyse poetic elements: Subject, Themes, Devices/Language, Tone/Purpose, Structure 4. . Watch slide show then answer questions Sonnet Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802  Launch Audio in a New Window BY  WILLIAM WORDSWORTH Earth has not any thing to show more fair: Dull would he be of soul who could pass by A sight so touching in its majesty: This City now doth, like a garment, wear The beauty of the morning; silent, bare, Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples lie Open unto the fields, and to the sky; All bright and glittering in the smokeless air. Never did sun more beautifully steep In his first splendour, val