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Dreaming Black Boy by James Berry

The poem is about a black boy who wishes that he could have regular things in life. Things such as a congratulatory hug, to be educated to the highest level and to travel without harassment. The persona yearns to stop fighting for the basic right to be successful and to rise above societal expectations.
The constant repetition of the phrase ‘I wish’ points to a yearning, a desperation even, for the basic things that life has to offer. The repetition gives credence to the idea that the persona might believe that his wishes are actually dreams that might not come true.
Stanza 1, lines 6 and 7, alludes to slavery, the state of lacking control over one’s own life and destiny. The fact that reference is made to this hints to how the persona feels about his life. He does not feel as if he has control over it.
Stanza 3, lines 19 to 20, alludes to Paul Robeson, a black intellectual, who attained success despite difficult circumstances. The persona yearns to be like this person. He wants room to stretch intellectually.
Stanza 4, lines 22 to 25, alludes to the klu klux klan. Burning lights refers to the burning of crosses and the pyjamas alludes to their white outfits that look like pyjamas. The persona wants them to leave him alone, find something else to do other than make his life difficult by contributing to his wishes remaining in the realm of  the dreams. 
3.’not sink to lick boots’
This refers to the concept of being subservient.  To have no choice but to kowtow to people in order to get ahead.
4. ‘Inside eye a sun’
This refers to the persona’s mind. He wants to show how intelligent he is without fear. He wants his mind to be a sun. Sun represents brightness and light, that is how he wants his intelligence to shine.
The tone/mood of the poem is one of sadness. The persona is thinking about how he is treated and he reacts to this in a sad way. He keeps wishing that things were different.
  • Racism,
  • survival,
  • oppression,
  • desire/dreams.
  • childhood experiences
  • Questions
  • 1.  How do you feel about the persona? Can you relate to him?
    2. Identify the symbols in the poem
    3.Discuss how the use of TWO symbols help readers to understand  the meaning  of the poem.
    4. Does the persona appeal to your sympathy? Why?/Why not?
    5. Comment on the treatment of the major themes of the poem.



  1. Oneisha Frith .
    answer #1 : I feel that the persona is sad because he wishes that his life would be better and that people would acknowledge him and that people wouldn't treat him badly because of who he is and how he looks. I too can relate because i too had experiences like he did.

  2. Mark Allison
    The persona wishes that people see him as a person an beyond his color. Raceism. Cause people to feel inferior to others. The mood of the poem is one of hurt and depression and that people would acknowledge him and that people wouldn't treat him badly.

  3. This poem was written in a time of racism and this poor young boy who wanted to be acknowledged was being ignored for all his work and for that I feel sorry for him and I wish me myself will not face racism. K MEEKS

  4. answer #1: The persona wishes that people see him as a person and beyond his color. Racism causes people to feel inferior to other.The mood of the poem is one of hurt and depression.

    Tyrese Thompson. May 29, 2019

  5. answer#3: Inside eye represents potential and wood chopper represents being slaved out. the black boy has potential even tho others look down on him he knows what he wants. wood chopper therefore hes's no wood chopper like his ancestors even tho others look down on him .

  6. answer#4: The persona peals to my sympathy because he went through a lot of struggles because he was black skinned.

  7. Krishia Bennett
    I feel that the persona is sad because he wishes that his life would be better and that people would acknowledge him and that people wouldn't treat him badly because of who he is and how he looks. I too can relate because i too had experiences like he did.
    k. Bennett

  8. answer#5: The poem is about a black boy who is being discriminated against because of his color. The persona wishes that people see him as a person and beyond his color. The persona wants to be accepted and enjoy all regular things in life. I would say that the boy is being treated this way because of racism.

  9. #3 Inside eye represents potential and wood chopper represents being slaved out. the black boy has potential even tho others look down on him he knows what he wants. wood chopper therefore hes's no wood chopper like his ancestors even tho others look down on him .

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Mark Allison

    Identify the symbol in the poem

    I’m no wood chopper now like all ancestors. He means he is no slave like his answer he also means when he said he wish his teacher eyes couldn’t go past him he means he wish that his teacher would see his potential as a black boy.

    Question #3; discuss how the use of two symbols helps the reader to understand the meaning of the poem
    Wood chopper plotter in pajamas
    They use wood chopper to make we get a better understanding of how the white people use to cheat as they think because we are black we and we must do the lower jobs. And we must work as slaves.
    Plotter in pajamas. They were the ones who cheat as like we were nothing. They abuse us in every possible way that they could think of.
    Inside eye means that we black people have a lot of potential but we couldn’t get to use it to the fullest because of the society that we black people grow up in.

  12. Question #: 2-3
    ‘Inside eye` the inside eye symbolizes the knowledge and to sense the things your eyes do not see.
    Wood cutter- The whites look down on us as black that we were on a cut by our self and they were much better than us.
    Plotters in pajamas- These were the people who did killed and tortured black people and kept it under cover as they were all perfect people.

  13. Question #:4
    Yes the persona appeal to my sympathy because it reveal to most of what is taking place in the country now.

  14. Question #:5
    The attitude to power and authority the whites have over powered themselves that they have the power to forces we as black people to do what we did not want to, as other enslaved us to do all the mental tasks.
    Racism- The whites demand that they are much better than we are because we are block. They look down on us as inferior people working to make money so they force us to work.

  15. #1. About the persona, I feel a strong sense of injustice, inequality, slavery, and racism, as the persona is a child that suffer discrimination from those around him.
    I can relate to the persona because growing up in a small country not been rich or fair skinned as others from bigger 3 world countries and also your country, we often witness racism, inequality, or injustice not only from whites but also from blacks . For example a fair skinned and a black or a black and a black is in a conflict one of the first things you will hear, well I don't know about other countries but in my country one of the first thing you will hear is 1 how you ugly . 2 how you so black and other discrimination just because someone is a little lighter than you or have different mind set from you. But athough we can't stop others mean insults what we must do is to never let any one feel inferior over you ,don't let them feel that they're better than you in no ways, let us stand up for ourselves because we are one of a kind, we are special, we are talented and we are also human beings made from the one and only true God , so let us all be the best of us.


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