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Grade 11 Language Paper 1

Grade 11 English Language
April 20- April 24,      April 27- May 1
Ø Scan through paper and read the instructions
The paper is divided in two parts
o   Grammar / Mechanics/ Vocabulary/ Spelling
Section 1 skills
o   Comprehension
Section 2 Skills

Ø Begin at the Comprehension section
Read each comprehension 3 times
o   First reading-
1.     Find the gist/ theme of the comprehension
2.     Underline all the new words

o   Second reading
1.     Read through paragraph by paragraph and unravel meanings of literary devices
2.     Use context clues to find meanings of new words.
3.     Summarise paragraphs in a single sentence

o   Third Reading
1.     Put all the summarised sentences together in a single paragraph

Ø In answering questions, you must ELIMINATE
From the four choices given, two are distracters and cannot be the answer. Cross them off.

Ø The two remaining ones are close. If you cannot determine which is correct, reread the section about it.
Ø After the Comprehension section is completed go to the first section and ELIMINATE well.

Date : April 20, 2010 

Date: April 21, 2020 
3.     Complete the following  Subject verb activity
Insert isam, or arehas or havewas or weredo or does.
1.   The black and red car ______ mine.
 2.   The black and the red car ______ his.
 3.   John and James ______ not go to the same school.  
4.   Neither she nor I ______ to blame for the mistake.  
5.   ______ Ali ______ a dog like yours ?
 6.   ______ they seen the tiger ?  
7.   One of the boys ______ not here.  
8.   Mary and Rita ______ sold their old shoes.
 9.   You and he ______ late for school yesterday; why ______ that ?  
10.   Coffee mixed with milk ______ good to drink.  
11.   The sum and substance of all you say ______ no effect.
12.   The dog and the cat ______ long been enemies.
13.   The short and old ruler ______ not yours.  
14.   My book ______ been lost; ______ you seen it ?  
15.   Youth and experience ______ not exist together.  
16. Neither those dogs nor that cat ______ yours.  
17.   One or two boys ______ here that day.  
18.   Neither he nor they ______ much work.
 19.   Where ______ he wish to go ?  
20.   No boy or girl ______ allowed to enter the room

Date April 21, 2020- Error recognition
Some of the following sentences are NOT acceptable because of inappropriate grammar, idiom or vocabulary. Some sentences are acceptable as they stand. No sentence contains more than one inappropriate element.
Select the ONE underlined part that you feel is inappropriate and choose the corresponding letter A, B, C. If the sentence is acceptable as it stands, choose D.

We could reach the survivors neither by boat or by plane, and so we abandoned our
                                                    A                  B
search as futile.  No Error 
            C                  D

I formed the brilliant idea of climbing the fence and to hang from the top of the rail until
      A                                         B                                    C
the bull went away. No Error
She was not feeling well at the beginning of the journey, and sitting at the front of the car
                                   A                                                                B
made her feel worse. No Error
                          C          D

The better of the two athletes claim never to have used the dangerous drugs found in his
           A                                     B                    C    
possession. No Error

As the teacher continued his lesson, John began to lose all interest, imagining himself
                                                                                    A                            B
laying on his bed relaxing. No Error
    C                                          D

As she is the tallest of the twin she plays better netball than her sister. No Error
     A                B                                       C                                        D


Choose the sentence that is correctly punctuated.

25. A. “I telephoned the police yesterday but they had no news of my stolen car,” the supervisor said.
B “I telephoned the police yesterday but they had no news of my stolen car, the supervisor said?”
C “I telephoned the police yesterday but they had no news of my stolen car, the supervisor said.”
D I telephoned the police yesterday but they had no news of my stolen car, “the supervisor said.”

26. A. Which parcel belongs to Shirley? “she asked her.”
B. Which parcel belongs to Shirley? she asked her.
C. “Which parcel belongs to Shirley” she asked her?
D.   “Which parcel belongs to Shirley?” she asked her.

27. A. I will go to the park tomorrow evening Martha said to see the steel band perform.
B. “I will go to the park tomorrow evening,” Martha said, “to see the steel band perform.”
C. “I will go to the park tomorrow evening Martha said to see the steel band perform.”
D. “I will go to the park tomorrow evening,” Martha said, “to see the steel band perform”.

28. A. She asked him why he did not apply for the job?
B. “She asked him why he did not apply for the job.”
C. She asked him why he did not apply for the job.
D. She asked him why he did not apply for the job!

29. A. Father bought a lot of different fruits from the supermarket: apples, oranges, strawberries, melons and grapes.
B. Father bought a lot of different fruits from the supermarket; apples, oranges, strawberries, melons and grapes.
C. Father bought a lot of different fruits from the supermarket: apples; oranges; strawberries; melons and grapes.
D. Father bought a lot of different fruits from the supermarket, apples, oranges, strawberries, melons and grapes.

April 22, 2020- Spelling
1.     Please watch this video then complete the activity
2.     Use you dictionary as well
Each sentence in this section has words underlined one of which may be misspelt. Choose from the three options A, B, C, the word that is misspelt. If no word is misspelt, choose the answer D.

 1.Tourists on the cruise liner viewed the picturesque scenery with delight.
A                                      B                  C
No error

2.  The congregation found the service both solem and inspirational. No error
                         A                                               B                  C                       D

3. According to the mecanic, there was a  faulty  valve in need of repair. No error
                                                A                                  B              C                D

4. The arguement started because of a disagreement over schedules. No error
                     A                                                      B                     C                D

20. Criticism about appearrance is never good for self-esteem. No error
A                                B                                                    C                        D

21. The defendant asked the solicitor if he was accustomed to cases of this nature.
                            A                                 B                                   C
 No error

22. The teacher introduced her colleague to an acquaintance from her college days.
                                                      A                       B                              C
 No error

23.  Absenteeism was a problem for schools in that perticular locality. No error
                A                                                                                      B                 C            D

24. The researchers were surprised by the connection between poverty and
                           A                           B
underachievement .  No error
            C                                D

25. Successful experimentation is essential to the advancement of madacine. No
            A                                                          B                                                      C
Instructions: In the following sentences one of the underlined words may be misspelt. Choose from the three options A, B, C, the word that is misspelt. If no word is misspelt, choose option D.
1.      The secretary had made up a calender of events but there was not enough stationery
             A                                     B                                                                      C
to give each member a copy. No Error
2.      After embarrassing his colleague his concience bothered him and he eventually
                  A                       B                     C
apologised. No Error

3.      After the incident the boys travelled a diffrent route back to school. No Error
                     A                         B               C                                              D

4.      His intelligence rather than his hieght was the deciding factor when considering him for
              A                                    B                          C
 the job. No Error.

5.      The receipt of his letter assured me that such an occurence would not be experienced.
            A                                                                      B                                      C
No Error

Date April 22, 2020- Grammar Usage
Please watch the following and complete the activities-
1.    Read the following paragraph and use the words below to fill in the blank spaces.

amazement// just// start// afford // warned//   trouble// rushed // dismay
The day did not ___1___ well for Greg. He had woken up late and had to rush through his bath and breakfast. He could not ___2___ to be late again as he had already been ___3___ by the discipline master. He had been late a few times before ! He rushed out of the house, but to his ___4___, he saw the bus pulling out of the bus bay. “Oh no!” he thought to himself. He knew he was in big ___5___ ! So, he decided to run all the way to school. Luckily, he made it just in time, although he was huffing and puffing and his shirt was soaking wet.
Phew ! What a relief !

Read the following paragraph and use the words below to fill in the blank spaces.

amazement// just// start// afford // warned//   trouble// rushed // dismay
The day did not ___1___ well for Greg. He had woken up late and had to rush through his bath and breakfast. He could not ___2___ to be late again as he had already been ___3___ by the discipline master. He had been late a few times before ! He rushed out of the house, but to his ___4___, he saw the bus pulling out of the bus bay. “Oh no!” he thought to himself. He knew he was in big ___5___ ! So, he decided to run all the way to school. Luckily, he made it just in time, although he was huffing and puffing and his shirt was soaking wet.
Phew ! What a relief !

English A Vocabulary Development Activity 3

Read the following paragraph and use the words below to fill in the blank spaces.

noise// rarely// warning// popular//attention// notice// certainly// famous
The van was parked across the street. Nobody paid any ___1___ to it as it looked just like any other van. Mr Bernard ___2___ did not notice it as he went about his way. It was his free day and he was out with his wife. He ___3___ got to spend time with her as he was such a busy man. Being a ___4___ scientist was not easy. As they chatted, they did not notice the van slowly driving up towards them. Suddenly, without any ___5___ the van’s side door slid open and a hand emerged. It grabbed the scientist and dragged him into the van. The van then sped off, leaving his wife in shock. 

3. English A Vocabulary Development Activity 4

 enjoy// admire// known// things //activities //pleasure// common// occupy

Hobbies are ___1___ that people carry out during their free time. Lots of people have hobbies to ___2___ their time and these hobbies give them great pleasure. Some of the more ___3___ hobbies are reading, stamp-collecting and dancing. These are hobbies that both the young and old ___4___. There are, however, some hobbies which we would think that only children would take up but are also taken up by adults. One of them is doll-collecting. Adults collect dolls because they ___5___ them. They also keep the dolls carefully because they do not want the dolls’ condition to deteriorate.

Select the option A, B, C, or D that BEST describes EACH of the sentences and mark your choice on your answer sheet.
(A) The sentence is acceptable as it stands.
(B) The sentence contains clichés or misused metaphors.
 (C) The sentence is incorrect grammatically or faulty in diction.
(D) The sentence is too wordy, that is, repetitive or contains redundancies.

1.       In my opinion, I think that your suggestion to upgrade housing facilities in rural areas is impractical.

2.       It is his view, and one which he strongly holds, that constitutionally elected governments should not be toppled by force of arms.

3.      When the clerk raised his voice in protest, his boss asked him to hold his tongue since empty vessels made the most noise.

4.       The extremely extravagant girl was so animated, cheerful and high-spirited, she was invited to many parties.

5.       Is it any wonder why the children that Miss Brown knows behave like delinquents when they have a heroine that thinks the worst of them and their kind?
6.       The report which you had given me earlier was too vague therefore it did not lay out in detail the issues that I requested.
7.       I was surprised at her behaviour when she acted so devoid of feelings even after losing all her siblings in the airplane crash.
8.       Ever since he was released from prison, we have been encouraging him to stop being a white elephant and to do something that can benefit the family.

 April 23, 2020 – Synonym - Vocabulary Development-
Please watch        then complete activities: ONLY WRITE THE WORD IN BOLD  AND THE ANSWER
1. The frolicking youngsters hurled snowballs at one another with gay abandon.
 (A)desertion  (B)happiness   (C) unrestraint

2. Mr. Robinson is acknowledged as the best violin maker in the whole country.
(A)accepted (B) noticed  (C) recognized

3. The people responded generously to the Red Cross Society’s appeal for aid to the flood victims.
(A)attraction (B)petition   (C) request

4. The new taxes imposed on luxury goods were intended to augment the government’s income.
(A)enhance (B) increase   (C)intensify

5. The management and the union leaders eventually struck a bargain over wage increases for the workers.
(A) agreement (B)contract   (C)negotiate

6. It was indeed disappointing that the newly-appointed principal was only capable of making a few bland comments on the value of education.
(A)suave   (B)tasteless   (C) uninteresting

7. It was a blatant abuse of power by the minister when he threw the accused into jail without trial.
(A) flagrant   (B)gaudy   (C)obvious

8. With no money and no job, my prospects seemed bleak.
(A)barren (B)discouraging  (C)depressing

9. The remuneration offered was not commensurate with his qualifications and experience, nevertheless Mr. Dickson was willing to give the new job a try.
(A) proportionate   (B)sufficient   (C)appropriate

10. The young couple were married in church out of deference to their parents’ wishes.
(A)obedience  (B)respect   (C)submissiveness

11. They have very elaborate plans for the whole operation.
(A)detailed  (B)complex   (C)ornate

12. It is foolish to depend on someone who is as fickle as the weather.
(A)flighty   (B)unpredictable  (C)variable

13. The excuse he gave was extremely flimsy.
(A)delicate  (B)thin  (C)weak

14. The people in our country strongly condemn terrorism and terrorists will get no countenance here.
(A)weapons  (B)support  (C)information

15. With modern and sophisticated machines, the factory’s productivity improved by leaps and bounds.
       (A)advanced   (B)cultivated   (C)refined

In each sentence one word is underlined. Select the option which is NEAREST in meaning to the underlined word.

1.    Fanatical followers of the Christian faith went to church at least three times a day.
(A) Enthusiastic
(B)  Zealous
(C)  Ardent
(D)  Faithful

2.    After the trauma that she has gone through, she has now become mentally unsound.
(A)  ordeal
(B)  experience
(C)  incident
(D)  problem

3.  The audience was pleased with the concise speech that the guest speaker gave.
(A)  detailed
(B)  understandable
(C)  succinct
(D)  elaborate

4.   Speaking so rudely to his colleagues only served to compound the problem that he was facing.
(A)  clarify
(B)  worsen
(C)  lighten
(D)  undermine

5.    Nigel sank despondently into his chair when news of the stock market crash reached his ears.
(A)  exhaustedly
(B)  desolately
(C)  dejectedly
(D)  dispiritedly

6.  The way she smiled at the audience obscured her true intentions.
(A)  concealed
(B)  overlooked
(C)  ignored
(D)  trivialized

7.  The president arrived in a sleek black limousine.
(A)  stylish
(B)  graceful
(C)  shiny
(D)  luxurious

8.   Despite the riots, the company remained adamant about its six-day work week.
(A)  confident
(B)  enthusiastic
(C)  unmoved
(D)  firm


In each sentence one word is underlined. Select the option which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word.

1.    You gave us no indication that you were going to demolish this building.
(A)  improve
(B)  construct
(C)  salvage
(D)  destroy

2.    The teacher thought that the student’s answers were pertinent to the questions asked.
(A)  relevant
(B)  suitable
(C)  irrelevant
(D)  unclear

3.    Prior to their departure, the team practised consistently for the competition.
(A)  before
(B)  subsequent to
(C)  in view of
(D)  pending

4.  The committee’s decision to suspend the goalkeeper was partial.
(A)  fair
(B)  biased
(C)  wise
(D)  deliberate

5.  It is our decision to deal with the important issues quickly.
(A)  trivial
(B)  significant
(C)  meaningless
(D)  crucial

6.    John has always made malicious remarks about his favourite teacher.
(A)  spiteful
(B)  harsh
(C)  foolish
(D)  favourable

7.    I expect you to be perturbed by this incident.
(A)  upset
(B)  affected
(C)  unmoved
(D)  disturbed

8.    Because of heavy traffic, we took approximately one hour to arrive.
(A)  exactly
(B)  just
(C)  about
(D)  altogether

Match the prefixes from List A with the correct words from List B.

List A                                                                     List B

un-                                                                          treat

dis                                                                           change

in                                                                            marine

im                                                                           indirect

re                                                                             probable

sub                                                                         appoint

inter                                                                      close

mis                                                                         national
re                                                                            pose                                                     

en                                                                           believable

ex                                                                            turn

Add suffixes from List B to the words from List A

List A                                               List B

walk                                                al

educate                                           ment

music                                              able

excite                                               ate

accident                                             ful

help                                                   cian

love                                                    ed

divide                                                  ly

accept                                                tion

valid                                                  sion

April 24, 2020- Antonym
Please view the following then complete the exercise
For item 1 to 5 select the word opposite in meaning to the word underlined in each sentence.  a

1.      The letter was placed in a conspicuous position in the cupboard.
a.       strategic                
b.       remote                 
c.        high                     
d.       concealed

2.      The student’s question was pertinent to the discussion on politics.
a.       additional 
b.       appropriate                      
c.        impertinent                      
d.       unrelated

3.      The students looked at their failure in the examination with indifference.
a.       Calm         
b.       concern                
c.        boredom              
d.       anger

4.      They spent the morning discussing trivial matters.
a.       boring       
b.      current                  
c.       important              
d.      petty

5.      The interior of the house was painted sky-blue.
a.       Top           
b.      exterior                 
c.       exit                       
d.      entrance

Instructions: Each sentence in this section has ONE underlined word.  Choose from the four options, the word which is closest to OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word.  b

1. The guest speaker’s words reinforced the  view    that capital punishment can influence the       rate of  crime in a country.
(A) destroyed         (B) damaged               (C) demolished          (D) dispelled
2. The barren land was a result of agricultural practices that have been passed down from generation to generation.
(A) stony                (B) fertile                      (C) infertile            (D) unproductive
3.  The affluence  displayed in the beach-side communities  indicated the significant         difference  in economic status from dwellers in the city.
(A) misery           (B) wealth                       (C) poverty                (D) richness
4. John’s parents acknowledged that his recent behaviour was contemptible and therefore deserved the outcome.
(A) correct            (B) regretful                  (C) trustworthy          (D) commendable
5. He was always adept at evading questions at interviews, and that skill was often needed to reduce conflict.
(A) polite              (B) careless                   (C) unskilled                  (D) convincing

Extra Day: Date April 25, 2020: Equivalent Sentences
Watch this video then compete the following exercises
Choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original sentence given.

1. Unless you obey the instructions on the examination paper you will be disqualified.

a)      If you do not do what you are told on the paper you will not be qualified.
b)      If you do not do what you are told on the paper you will be qualified.
c)      Do what you are told on the paper and you will be dismissed.
d)     If you obey the instructions you will pass the exam.

2. She was so beautiful she could easily pass for film actress.
a)      People would think she was a film actress because she was so beautiful.
b)      She was so beautiful she was mistaken for a particular film actress.
c)      She was much better looking than a film actress.
d)     She was pretending to be a film actress because she was beautiful.

3. After his retirement, Mr. Leon embarked on a journey of voluntary work.
a)      After Mr. Leon was fired, he went on a trip and did some free work.
b)      When Mr. Leon retired, he focus his efforts on a life of volunteerism
c)      When Mr. Leon became old, he no longer for pay.
d)     After retiring from his job, Mr. Leon went away and voluntary work.

36. Without warning, there was a loud noise and the entire class became quiet.
a)      Suddenly, a loud noise occurred, causing everyone in the class to be frightened.
b)      The entire class was shocked by the loud noise that nobody expected
c)      Due to the fact that the class was afraid, the loud noise shocked everyone into silence.
d)     Suddenly a loud noise erupted and everyone in the class becomes quiet.

6.   Because of his innocent face, it is difficult even today to believe he was a murderer although it had been certainly proven.

a.       It is really surprising how he killed somebody.
b.      Today it is possible to understand why people didn’t want to believe that he was guilty because he had an innocent face.
c.       If it had been proven that he was guilty they would believe that he was a murderer.
d.      Despite the fact that he was proven to be a murderer, his innocent face makes it difficult to believe that.

7.   The twins resemble each other so much that I can never tell which is which.

a.       Although the twins do not look like each other I cannot name them easily
b.      I cannot tell the twins apart because I don’t know them well enough.
c.       It is impossible for me to identify the twins because they look very much like one another.
d.      I can never tell the twins anything because they like each other so much.

8.   She didn’t eat anything but small pieces of bread and butter.

a.       She ate small pieces of bread and butter but didn’t like them
b.      She only ate some small pieces of bread and butter
c.       She didn’t eat anything, not even the bread and butter.
d.      She ate neither bread nor butter.

9.   I can’t stand him talking foolishly when everybody talks about something in a serious way.

a.       I can’t understand him when he talks foolishly.
b.      Everybody talks seriously when he talks seriously.
c.       I hate him talking foolishly when people talk seriously.
d.      I don’t mind him talking foolishly when everybody talks seriously.

10.  The budget speech was undoubtedly one of the briefest in years.

a.       This budget speech was among the briefest we have had for a long time.
b.      The budget speech was without doubt a very brief one.
c.       For a long time the budget speeches have been too long
d.      The budget speech was undoubtedly very long.

Week 2
April 27, 2020- Construction Shift
Please watch the video then  complete the exercise
Instructions: Revise each of the following sentences according to the directions that follow it.  You may delete or include words but do not change the meaning of the original sentence.  Look at the options A, B, C, D for the word or phrase.
1. The masqueraders who were jumping to the rhythm of the steel band music became very exhausted after a while and had to go home early.
 Substitute so for very
 (A) and consequently they   (B) and they  (C) for they  (D) that they

2. She told her parents a lie in order to escape punishment.
 Substitute in order that for in order to
 (A) she might escape (B) she escaped (C) she escape (D) she will escape

3. The Australian cricketers fought valiantly against the West Indies team, but all their efforts were in vain.
 Begin the sentence with: Despite their valiant efforts
 (A) would defeat
(B) were defeated
(C) defeated
(D) would be defeated
4. She found, even after she had made several attempts to regulate the sprinkler, that the water was still reaching the furniture on the verandah.
Begin the sentence with: Having made
 (A) she found that
 (B) she had found that          
(C)       she was  finding that  
(D) and finding that

5. Intending to declare the innings closed, the captain told his bowlers to conserve their energy.
 Begin the sentence with: “I intend to declare the innings closed,” the captain said
(A) “so conserve your energy”
(B) “and their energy should be conserved
(C) “because they should conserve their energy”
(D) “if your energy should be conserved”
shift in sentence construction occurs when words or phrases intended for one purpose are used for another, upsetting the natural flow of the sentence. Below are examples of three frequent errors that shiftsentence construction. Below each error is an example showing one or more ways to repair the error.
Construction Shift Questions
Rewrite the sentence in your head, following the directions given below. Keep in mind that your new sentence should be well written and should have essentially the same meaning as the sentence given you. Click the letter next to your choice for an instant response.

1.  Being a female jockey, she was often interviewed.
Rewrite, beginning with
She was often interviewed . . . 
The next words would be
a. on account of she was
b. by her being
c. because she was
d. being as she was
2.  In her songs, Ani DiFranco makes melody and lyrics intricately intertwine.
Rewrite, beginning with
Melody and lyrics
Your new sentence will include
a. Ani DiFranco has
b. make Ani DiFranco's
c. in Ani DiFranco's
d. does Ani DiFranco
3.  It is easy to carry solid objects without spilling them, but the same cannot be said of liquids.
Rewrite, beginning with
Unlike liquids,
The next words will be
a. it is easy to
b. we can easily
c. solid objects can easily be
d. solid objects are easy to be
4.  Excited children ran towards the loud music, and they told others about the ice cream truck outside.
Rewrite, beginning with
The excited children who had run toward the loud . . .
The next words will be
a. music, they told
b. music told
c. music, telling
d. music and had told
5.  If he had enough strength, Shaun would move the boulder.
Rewrite, beginning with
Shaun cannot move the boulder
The next words will be
a. when lacking
b. because he
c. although there
d. without enough
6.  The band began to play, and then the real party started.
Rewrite, beginning with
The real party started . . .
The next words will be
a. after the band began
b. and the band began
c. although the band began
d. the band
Instruction: Some of the sentences below are incorrect because they contain one of three types of error. Each incorrect sentence contains only one type of error. Some of the sentences are correct as they are. Describe each sentence by letter:

A.    If the sentence is too wordy(repetitive) or contains unnecessary words
B.     If the sentence contains clichés or misused metaphors
C.    If the sentence contains faulty grammar or is incorrect in diction
D.    If the sentence is correct as it is

11.  One of the beauty queen contestants lost her composure and broke down and cried 
when she realized that she had not been placed among the finalists.

12.  On the second day of carnival, the streets of Port of Spain burst into a
 kaleidoscope of colour.

13.  Our district has been experiencing a spasm of thefts over the past few months.

14.  The opposition has taken a beating in this election and is now basking in a sea of

Sentence completion
Each sentence has either one or two words missing. Choose from the four options the word or pair of words which BEST completes the meaning of the sentence.

1.      Foreign diplomats are usually__________ paying ________ on any goods that they bring into the country.
a.       excused from ………………..tarrifs  
b.      exempted from……………….duty
c.       pardoned……………………
d.      freed from…………………….prices

2.      The patient’s condition has_______ rapidly over the past few hours.
a.       Exaggerated     b. deteriorated    c. declined      d. aggravated

3.      Stephen _______ his parents and went to the party even though they had _______ him permission to go.
a.       defied…………..denied
b.      ignored………….declined
c.       rebuked……………..asked
d.      insulted………………allowed

        14.   They had to___________ through___________undergrowth to reach the great house.
            a. march………………….weighty
            b. plough…………………dense
            c. jump……………………strong
            d. climb……………………tall
     15. Despite his being somewhat short-tempered, his willingness to give of his wealth to help
        others to succeed led people to call him__________.
a.       hasty   
b.      foolish     
c.       benevolent       
d.      old-fashioned

April 28, 2020 - Tense Consistency
To understand more about tense consistency, visit the websites below:

After completing the reading, you may ask your teacher about any aspects that are still unclear.
Once you have completed your look at tense consistency, complete the following activity:
Read the following paragraph, paying attention to the highlighted verbs.  Change any verbs which are not consistent:

The Editor, Sir:
Since Caribbean Fashion-Week, many thoughts pass through my mind regarding the growing importance of the fashion industry in terms of employment, the economy and image of the Caribbean. Two reports in the news papers had encouraged me to pursue the topic. The first regards the welcome return of British-born Jamaican fashion designer Sandra Kennedy to the scene. Her beautifully designed line of clothing makes many Jamaican women feel and look elegant for many years, and the particular curves of the African figure were well served by her designs.
Generation of designers
She was part of the second generation of fashion designers who has built on the work of the generation of such pioneers as Josie Buchanan of blessed memory, Mae Fuertado and many others. Those pioneers are bold in asserting that their designs were excellent for Jamaicans and other discerning shoppers from around the world. The industry is fickle and with the global developments of mass production in the near east many fortunes were lost. Today, there was unheralded competition in the fashion industry worldwide.
The second report featured the work of Carlton Brown who is developing his craft as a tailor on Saville Row in London where the concept of bespoke was born, where he was being mentored by Andrew Madan Ramroop master tailor who was born in Trinidad. Brown emphasises the importance of the opportunity and the role of his adopted mother Martha Wallace who was a dressmaker. Jamaica's future must then target the bespoke, the high end of the fashion industry.
There is  a time that our tailors and dressmakers were among the finest in the world and we have to once again ensure that this happened by training them well and exposing them to the best in the world.
From Importance of fashion industry by Hilary Hickling, The Gleaner, October 24, 2007.

As follow up to this lesson, complete the activity below:

In each of the following paragraphs there are words used in the wrong tense. Replace those words with the required words.

A request for more help came from aid workers this morning. We will therefore be sending more food and had need to see if they also require medical help.

As of now, we were quite hopeful that the situation will improve.

The clients stopped in front of each design, studied each one, and then take notes.

He will take the photos, develop them, and would then deliver them.

April 29, 2020- Comprehension

1. Read the passage more than once to ensure that you understand it fully.

2. Look at the questions after you feel that the passage is clear to you.

3. Make sure you understand the instruction clearly. 
    For example, should you choose the best answer, or are you supposed to be identifying an      alternative that is false?

4. Pay attention to every detail in the question.

5. Read each question as if you had to answer it without choosing from a list of alternative answers.

6. Try to answer the question first without looking at the list of choices.

7. If you know the answer, select it from the list of choices and move on.

8. If you don’t know the answer, look at the choices and use the process of elimination to narrow   down choices.

9. Verify whether or not there is an “all of the above” or “none of the above” choice before selecting    your first choice answer.

10. Use the true/false technique to help you select between two similar answers. (Translate the question into a statement with each of the possible answers, and select one that is true.)

If you are not sure about an answer leave the question and then come back to it.

12. Do not leave any questions blank.

Please complete
Instructions: Read the following passage carefully and then answer Items 40–47 on the basis of what is stated or implied.
From    time immemorial, men have hunted wild animals in   forests,            tilled the soil and, caught fishing the sea and rivers, all with the object of obtaining food, that basic commodity essential to existence.  Agriculture is part and parcel of life, and is as old as mankind. Yet, even in the most primitive times, man always had certain tools, hunting implements, knives, spears, and flints,     to help        him conquer nature and support himself. 
 As knowledge progressed over the centuries, so man developed more and more devices to        aid and   adorn his life;the corn     from the soil was ground into flour and baked into bread;       textile           and clothing were made, and buildings such as castles and churches were created. The art of printing was discovered, and this led to the production of more and more books. Metal goods were turned out at forges and workshops throughout the country; great sailing vessels were constructed and a whole host of goods, ever increasing in variety as time went by, were manufactured by men.
  Industry, which is the name given to those occupations in which something is manufactured, has thus for a very long time been an important part of man’s existence.  Tinkers, tailors, candlestick makers, ironmongers, blacksmiths, tanners, weavers, spinners, and many others were all an essential part of life in olden days.  These were the people who manufactured the goods and articles that society wanted and needed. The manufacturing industry was very closely associated with agricultural life.  Many of the      spinners, weavers and others did not work in the cities or towns, but in their own cottages in the rural villages. During sowing, ploughing and harvest time  all activity was concentrated on the fields,but in the long winter months, with little or nothing to be done on the land, industrial work took the place of agricultural work.  Spinning wheels spun wool into yarn, and weaving looms wove yarn into cloth.  In many parts of the country, agricultural labourers in summer became industrial workers in winter. (Source Unknown)

40. Man has always been involved in agriculture in order to
 (A) earn a living
 (B) conquer nature
C) become wealthy
(D) obtain his food

41. According to the passage, which of the following has man used throughout his life to improve his agricultural production?
 (A) Tools
 (B) Books
(C) Nature
 (D) Machines

42. The word “adorn” as used in line 7 is CLOSEST in meaning to
 (A) protect (B) improve (C) lengthen (D) decorate

43. According to the passage, tinkers, tailors, candlestick makers and weavers were all important in the olden days because they
(A) set the trends in fashion
(B) provided employment for the society
(C) were considered the providers in the society
(D) established themselves as people in authority

44. In medieval times, spinning and weaving were considered
 (A) cottage industries
(B) heavy industries
(C) weekend jobs
(D) pastimes

45. The writer makes it clear that many villagers were
(A) disenchanted with life in the city
(B) underemployed during the winter
(C) threatened by the growth of industry
(D) involved in both manufacturing and farming

46. The writer suggests that the overall result of manufacturing has been to
 (A) raise living standards
B) increase food production
(C) the production of  goods
(D) increase the spread of information

47. From the passage it is evident that
(A) man has turned increasingly to industry
(B) many labourers did not like agricultural work
C) manufacturing industries did not exist in primitive times
(D) there were many large factories for manufacturing goods

310-9836 MARK

April 29, 2020
Directions: Read the following poem carefully and then answer items 29 - 35 on the basis of what is stated or implied.
                                              The Golden Rule

From my desk, I could see mother in the
Torn between my work and helping.
But there were only twenty minutes left
Hastily flipping pages                    5
Clanging of pots and pans
Tension mounting
The moment was arriving
The clock chimed
On the sixth                     10
The books were closed
The dishes were laid
The aroma filled the air
The door opened
It slammed shut                       15
Shoes thrown aside
Chairs pulled out
Prayers said
The meal began.

29. The statement ‘But there were only twenty minutes’ left is used by the poet to show that
       (A) the girl could not wait to finish her work
       (B) the girl was counting the  minutes until it was time for the meal
       (C) the girl wanted to finish her work before the meal
       (D) the girl’s mother did not have much time to prepare the meal
30. There is a break in the rhythm from the fourth line to the end of the poem. Which of the following is an indication of the break?
(A)  The clock chimed
(B)   The dishes were laid
(C)   The aroma filled the air
(D)  Chairs pulled out
31. Which of the following is not used in the poem to signify the speed at which things were being done?
(A)   ‘clanging’ (line 6)
(B)   ‘Tension mounting’  (line 7)
(C)   ‘arriving’ (line 8)
(D)   ‘thrown aside’ (line )
32. The word that can BEST describe the mood in the household is ____________
(A)  anticipation
(B)  apprehension
(C)  exhilaration
(D)  anguish
33. The Golden Rule’ as suggested by the title of the poem is referring to________
(A)  dinner being ready on time
(B)  the father arriving home by six o’clock
(C)  the girl completing her work before the meal
(D)  the family having the meal together
34. Which of the following is NOT suggested by the actions described in lines 14 – 16?
(A)  The father was served once he came home.
(B)   The father was in a hurry to start eating.
(C)   The father made it clear that he had returned home.
(D)  The father was expecting to have his meal.
35. The attitude that the poet wishes to convey as the poem ends is one of_________
(A)  contentment
(B)  resolution
(C)  affection
(D)  loathing

April 30, 2020
Directions: Read the extract carefully and then answer Items 36 – 46 on the basis of what is stated or implied.
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the opening of our flagship bookstore. For all of you who have taken the time to be here, we have a twenty-dollar voucher for everyone and a copy of ‘The Secret Princess’. Hurry! This offer is only available for the first two hundred people.
Applause followed by a rush towards a table but a queue automatically forms.
This is the biggest bookstore in town. There are four floors filled with the latest books and magazines for everyone to enjoy. No matter who you are and what you do, there will be something here for you. There’s something for everyone!
As you collect your voucher and complimentary copy of the book, do sign up for our book club. Members of our exclusive club will receive a newsletter once a month on the latest book arrivals. You will also receive a special membership card that will entitle you to a 10% discount on all books and magazines bought at our bookstore. Membership fee is usually twenty dollars per annum but it will be waived for two years for those who sign up today. Parents can also apply for a maximum of three supplementary cards for children under 16 years old. Those of you who already own a membership card will be entitled to a 15% discount at this store. Fans of ‘Rydale High’ can get the last four issues at 5% off the usual price.
Groups of people sign up for the card and large numbers of people walk into the bookstore. Even as the vouchers and books run out, people are still seen queuing for membership forms.

36. In the passage, giving away the twenty-dollar voucher is a way of ____________.
(A)  stressing the importance of reading
(B)  thanking people for turning up at the opening
(C)  encouraging people to be members of the book club
(D)  demonstrating the good services of the bookstore
37. According to the passage, ‘flagship’ means the same as ____________.
(A)  the most important
(B)   the biggest
(C)   the latest
(D)  the one and only
38. ‘The Secret Princess’ is probably __________________.
(A)  an old book
(B)  a book that no one has heard of before
(C)  a popular book
(D)  a book that few people are willing to read
39. Which word BEST describes the behaviour as everyone waits to collect the voucher and the book?
(A)  chaotic
(B)  silent
(C)  pensive
(D)  orderly
40. Which of the following contradicts the statement that the bookstore holds the ‘latest books and magazines’?
(A)  ’This offer is only available for the first two hundred people!’(lines 6 and 7)
(B)    ‘This is the biggest bookstore in town’ (line 10)
(C)   ‘There’s something for everyone!’ (line 14-15)
(D)   ‘the last four issues’ (line31)
41. What does the organizer hope the people at the opening will do?
(A)  Become members of the bookstore
(B)   Sign up for supplementary membership cards.
(C)   Collect the twenty-dollar voucher.
(D)  Find out about the latest book arrivals.
42. Which of the words show that only those who join the book club will enjoy special privileges? 
(A)  complimentary  (lines 16-17)
(B)  exclusive (line 18)
(C)  special  (line 20)
(D)  entitle  (line21)
43. In the passage, _____________ are NOT used to encourage people to visit the bookstore.
(A)  gifts
(B)   complimentary supplementary cards
(C)   free memberships
(D)  discounts

44. The availability of supplementary cards is NOT an indication that __________.
(A)  the bookstore has something for everyone in the family
(B)   children are encouraged to read
(C)   parents are responsible for encouraging their children to read
(D)  children should be accompanied by their parents to the bookstore.
45. By providing an additional discount for those who are already members, it shows that _______.
(A)  older members are more appreciated than newer members
(B)  the new bookstore aims to attract customers from other bookstores
(C)  loyal members are greatly appreciated
(D)  the new bookstore is better that the other bookstores
46. According to the passage, which of the following BEST describes the attitude of the people who turn up for the opening of the bookstore?
(A)  They want to receive gifts.
(B)   They enjoy visiting flagship bookstores.
(C)   They like to sign up for membership cards.
(D)  They have a passion for reading.

May 1, 2020

Instructions: Read the following information carefully and then answer items 1-6 on the basis of what is stated or implied.

A Jamaica Kincaid Chronology
“I became a writer out of desperation…..I started to write about my own life and I came to see that this act saved my life” (My Brother)

1949      Born in Antigua, May 25, as Elaine Potter Richardson
1965      Sent to US as a domestic helper
1969      Studies photography at New School of Social research, NYC,
              and Franconia College, New Hampshire, then takes various short-term jobs
              and freelance writing assignments (Ingenue, Ms., Village Voice)
1973     Changes name to Jamaica Kincaid
1974     First piece published in The New Yorker
1976     Staff writer at The New Yorker
1979     Marries composer Allen Shawn
1983     At the Bottom of the River, Morton Dauwen Zabel Award
1985     Writes Annie John; moves to Bennington, Vermont; daughter Annie born
1986     Annie, Gwen, Lilly, Pam and Tulip; revisits Antigua
1988     A Small Place (book)
1989     Guggenheim Fellowship; son Harold born
1990     Lucy; Annie Drew visits Vermont
1994     Joins African American Studies Department at Harvard
1995     Leaves The New Yorker
1996     The Autobiography of my Mother(book)
1997     My Brother (book)
1998     My Favourite Plant (editor)
1999     My Garden (book)
2001     Talk Stories (book)
2002      Mr Potter (book)

1. What is the birth name of the author?
A. Annie John
B. Allen Shawn
C. Elaine Richardson
D. Jamaica Kincaid

2. According to the chronology, when did the author’s publishing career start?
A. 1973
B. 1974
C. 1976
D. 1988
3. What was the author’s first job in the United States?
A. a writer
B. a journalist
C. a researcher
D. a domestic helper

4. In what year did the author return to Antigua?
A. 1965
B. 1974
C. 1985
D. 1986

5. According to the chronology, how many years separated the author’s two children?
A. 3 years
B. 4 years
C. 5 years
D. 10 years

6. Under which name did the author publish the book The Autobiography of My Mother?
A. Annie Drew
B. Elaine Shawn
C. Elaine Richardson
D. Jamaica Kincaid



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