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Showing posts from October, 2019


Grade 10 Lit Students Objectives: Read tutorial Visit websites for additional information Blog comments on how to analyse a poem  Please read this handout. You will get a test on Tuesday November 5 on the basics of Poetry. POETIC DEVICES & LITERARY TERMS USE IN POETRY ANALYSIS I. What is Poetry? Poetry is a type of literature based on the interplay of words and rhythm. It often employs  rhyme  and  meter  (a set of rules governing the number and arrangement of syllables in each line). In poetry, words are strung together to form sounds, images, and ideas that might be too complex or abstract to describe directly. II. Examples and Explanation Example 1 Of all creatures that breathe and move upon the earth, nothing is bred that is weaker than man. (Homer, The Odyssey) The Greek poet Homer wrote some of the ancient wor

How to Answer Comprehension Questions Effectively

Grade 10H October 2019 How to Answer Comprehension Questions Effectively 1. Write how to answer questions 2. Read comprehension and answer questions in complete sentences ·       Problems   seen in answering questions 1. Begin sentence with a common letter 2. Begin sentence with ‘because’ or with the answer alone 3. When asked to give own words, words were taken from the passage. 4. Give answers in 5 words. These are unacceptable!!!!! ·         Here are few guidelines for answering comprehensions questions ·          Try to link the question to your answer ·          Never provide your opinion as answers, base your answer on facts. ·          Never move out from the original question, answer to it precisely ·          Upgrade your vocabulary Comprehension #1 Olympic 400 metres hurdle champion Deon Hemmings is in a no non-sense mood. She is bent on keeping the title she won four years ago in Atlanta. On Sunday she warned her rivals after winning her


Grade 10     Worksheet on how to answer literature short open ended questions     Ms. Dougherty                                                                                                                                                                Spelling words poem dangerous loss negative irritated Die- dying Care- caring Rules of how to answer questions: ·          All questions must be written in sentences ·          Responses must use quotes from text to fully explain point being made ·          Sentence rules must be obeyed including punctuations and quoting   as well as   spelling and subject verb rules. Dulce et Decorum est by Wilfred Owen 1.        Who is the speaker in the poem? Response:   Wilfred Owen   is the speaker of the poem. He went to World War 1 and brought back a firsthand account “right before my eyes” of what took place. 2. Who is the speaker addr

How to explain a literary device?

Objectives :1.Identify device                    2 . Use guide to explain the device Poems: Dreaming Black Boy Little Boy Crying Brief notes- Repetition   ‘I wish “- Imagery (Organic)   The Person repeats the word ‘I wish’ throughout the poem and in the last stanza he repeats     ‘ I could suffer; and ‘ big ‘ to reinforce the horrors that exist in society. The phrases highlight the fear of the black child and the restrictions imposed on black in a racist society. Use this guide to answer: WHAT DID I USE TO EXPLAIN THE DEVICE? ·          Identify the device ·          Relate the quoted words to an imagery ·          Explain how   the image relate to the imagery in real life and in the context of the text ·          Tell if the comprise enhances the meaning, create rhythm or intensifies     Repetition, “I wish”   The speaker uses repetition with the phrases'I wish' to connote an organic imagery as he connects with the way he feels inside .He feels