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Grade 10    Worksheet on how to answer literature short open ended questions    Ms. Dougherty
Spelling words
Die- dying
Care- caring
Rules of how to answer questions:
·         All questions must be written in sentences
·         Responses must use quotes from text to fully explain point being made
·         Sentence rules must be obeyed including punctuations and quoting  as well as  spelling and subject verb rules.

Dulce et Decorum est by Wilfred Owen
1.       Who is the speaker in the poem?
Response:  Wilfred Owen  is the speaker of the poem. He went to World War 1 and brought back a firsthand account “right before my eyes” of what took place.
2. Who is the speaker addressing?
Response: Wilfred Owen is addressing everyone who has anything to do with war. He is addressing the young people ‘ardent for desperate glory’ to dissuade them from wanting to become soldiers to go to war as they will see a negative end.
He is trying to change the minds of leaders who plan wars and enrols innocent men to go there and die and he is speaking to soldiers who have gone to war to remind them of the brutality they faced on the battle field and that it is a betrayal ‘the old lie’ to kill men.
3. What is the speaker’s attitude?
Wilfred Owen’s  attitude towards war is one of hatred and opposition in the poem. He feels horrified when he sees that ‘all went lame; all blind;drunk with fatigue’about the traumatic experiences soldiers undergo and the lifelong side effects of war. In the end  all the soldiers feel about war is that it is ‘Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues’.

4.What images(pictures created with words) does Owen use to make the misery of the soldiers seem convincing? Are they effective? Give your reasons.
This poem is packed full of vivid images forged in the heat of battle, skilfully drawn by the young, keenly observant poet. Owen utilizes figurative language, similes, and assonance to combat the illusion that war is glorious, as well as show the dark feelings on the battle field.
The opening scene is one of a group of soldiers making their weary way from the frontline "towards our distant rest" as bombs drop and lethal gas is released. Details are intimate and immediate, taking the reader right into the thick of trench war.
These men appear old, but that is only an illusion. War has twisted reality which gradually turns surreal as the poem progresses. The speaker evokes a dream-like scenario, the green of the enveloping gas turning his mind to another element, that of water, and the cruel sea in which a man is drowning.
The descriptions become more intense as the drowning man is disposed of on a cart. All the speaker can do is compare the suffering to a disease with no known cure. The final image - sores on a tongue - hints at what the dying soldier himself might have said about the war and the idea of a glorious death.
5. Do you think Owe is patriotic(love his country)? Give reasons.
I do believe Wilfred Owen loves his country as he went to war to defend Brtitains legacy and to help them to gain more power. After going his love for his country is also evident as he sends the message of the real meaning of war to his fellow country men and to the world about the negative effects of war.
6.What are the various points of view that Owen uses.(Explain the different points he makes)

In the first stanza The first line takes the reader straight into the ranks of the soldiers, an unusual opening, only we're told they resemble "old beggars" and "hags" (note the similes) by the speaker, who is actually in amongst this sick and motley crew.

In the second stanza, the speaker sees the man consumed by gas as a drowning man, as if he were underwater. Misty panes add an unreal element to this traumatic scene, as though the speaker is looking through a window.
In the third stanza , Owen chose the word "guttering" to describe the tears streaming down the face of the unfortunate man, a symptom of inhaling toxic gas.

In the fourth stanza  , the speaker widens the issue by confronting the reader (and especially the people at home, far away from the war), suggesting that if they too could experience what he had witnessed, they would not be so quick to praise those who die in action. They would be lying to future generations if they though that death on the battlefield was sweet. Owen does not hold back. His vivid imagery is quite shocking, his message direct and his conclusion sincere.

What Is the Tone and Mood of "Dulce et Decorum Est?"

From the start of this poem you are immersed in the atmosphere of war. These are the trenches of WWI, full of mud and death. Once optimistic, healthy soldiers have now been reduced to a miserable, exhausted gang who have little left to give.
It's a shocking environment into which the reader is taken–one that is oppressive, dangerous and without any real hope.
The poet wants the reader to know that warfare is anything but glorious, so he paints a gloomy, realistic, human picture of life at the frontline. He leaves us no doubt about his feelings.
The tone and mood is also set by language such as "misty panes and thick green light." From the start we feel that the world has been turned upside down, and that all things having to do with happiness and vitality have been cast away. This is not a lively green, but a thick green. The window is not clear, but misty. This is the land of the walking dead, of the sickly–a world cold, muddy and metallic.
By the end of the poem, it appears the reader has been moved away from the "haunting" battlefield, and the setting becomes internal. Here, the mood is less gruesome, but no less pitiful. In one sense, to see the way these scenes of death and violence have affected the poets mind is just as disturbing as the scenes themselves


What Is the Main Theme of "Dulce et Decorum Est?"

"Dulce et Decorum Est" does not have one theme, but many. Still, each of the themes center around war and the antiquated notions associated with it. The main themes of this poem are listed below:


One of the main themes of this poem is war. It deals with a soldier's experience in World War I, and contrasts the realities of war with the glorified notion of what serving in a war is like.


This poem takes aim at the idea of war presented by war-supporting propaganda. During World War I, propaganda came in the form of books, poems, posters, movies, radio and more, and presented an idea of war full of glory and pride rather than of death and destruction.


Politics are often the cause war, yet it is the men who have nothing to do with politics who are recruited to fight it. This poem underlines the wrongness of this dynamic.

Hero Worship

Everyone wants to be the hero. In reality, it is the man who keeps his head down is he who survives the longest.


"Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori," means it is sweet and proper to die for one's country. This idea of patriotism fueled the hopes and dreams of many young soldiers who entered World War I. Once they realized the horrors that awaited them, however, this ideal patriotism was rightly viewed as ridiculous.
Question: Explain how the tone brings out the theme of the poem.
5 marks
2.     Which seem can you relate to most. Why?
  5 marks
Home work. Write an essay on : 1. How is war depicted in the poem Dulce et Decorum est.
                                               2.  Explain  three (3) devices that are used


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