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Grade 12: A Raisin in the Sun

1. Read teachers personal views on what was learnt from the play
2.Answer  general questions on the play using quotes
3. Express what you as an individual has brought with you from the play

Literature exploits vicarious experiences to unravel defining realities of history and present time.
After reading  “A Raisin In the Sun”, many points can be considered, such as:
1.Mama teaches Beneatha what the true definition of love is. She uses the plight of her son who has seemingly been depleted of his ‘manness’.
2. The Black experience varies in cultures dependent on nurturing and mindset. Education can plant the seed of reformation, but your clan must support and live by positivity before it can be fully accomplished. Asagai, a Nigerian declares the worth of a man by what he works to accomplish using his own aspiration and accepting his fate. He does not and will not trust others as he is aware of man’s social weaknesses and volatile actions.
3. Beneatha  is taught that dependency spells limitations as she is willing to give up and be despondent because money left by her dead father was  stolen. He contemptuously interpreted her thoughts and actions as a weakness that people who are lazy or lack self drive suffer from.
4. Walter is brought to his sanity that a man must lead in thoughts and deeds and not by emotional goal setting
5. The hypocrisy of the world comes in lovely packages and titles while underhandedly belittles and bullies the underdog to surrender.
6. Love is not opportunistic . Love is connecting to likeminded who enhance another by motivating, enlightening  and seeing positives where only negatives were seen.
7. It is through women that  dreams and stability of a family are accomplished. The strength of a woman protects a man , supports him while showing him the perils of self destruction and expectations from external sources.
8.Fear can cripple the dreams of  the inferior and stifle social respect of the superior. Fear is transmitted through cultures, taught to segregate and conform.

A Raisin in the Sun Homework Help Questions
What is the relationship between Walter and Beneatha in The Raisin in the Sun?

Essay question :
Track the life of the plant, explain with evidence how it is used to chart the lives of the family or a particular individual in the household.


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